Sunday, May 16, 2010

HermanoTrack (R)

Almost time to head out!

One of our main concerns for this trip -- well ahead of which route to pick or why we're driving in the first place -- was How to get The Internet. This led to several visits to the respective Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T stores, and currently accounts for about 90% of our total prep time. (Let's not talk about the Taking Away of my motorcycle. That did not happen.) We eventually settled on some add-ons to my existing AT&T connection, so if this is the last post you

Long story short: The plan is to post while we drive. Also, you can track us with Google Latitude:


  1. SELF COMMENT! As of 3:53 PM, we are on our way. Stop number zero at 3:55: BP gas station on Fontaine for some ULTIMATE GAS and ice for the cooler.

  2. 4:30PM: We have hit the 30 mile mark while on 64W. That's ONE WHOLE PERCENT OF THE TRIP, at 52.9 MPH average. We're so efficient!
